We can arrange and organize a special in-house training or workshop on several general and specific topics. Please consult the staff members page for our expertise or feel free to contact us to see what we can offer you.
Industrial Workshop: Process Intensification
April 4-5, 2016
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Pfennig
PEPs group (Products, Environment, and Processes)
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Liège, Belgium
Industrial Workshop: Design of Gravity Settlers based on Single-Drop Experiments and Simulation
December 19-20, 2013
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Pfennig
Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology,
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Industrial Workshop on Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control
by Prof. Modigell
In addition to the Block Lecture, Prof. Modigell gave the industrial workshop in Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control on February 22, 2013. This workshop had well received from PTT Public Company Limited, Research and Technology Institute.
Industrial Workshop on Design of Extraction Columns and Settlers based on Single-Drop Experiments and Simulation by Prof. Pfennig
For this academic year of 2011, we are honored to have Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Pfennig, the head of Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology at Graz University of Technology, Austria (former head of Thermal Process Engineering at AVT RWTH Aachen University, Germany) to give the industrial workshop on Design of Extraction Columns and Settlers based on Single-Drop Experiments and Simulation from February 13-14, 2012. Prof. Pfennig’s Research Group focuses on thermal separation processes, such as liquid-liquid extraction and distillation, as well as with mass transport in interfaces. His staff has about 40 people between scientific and non-scientific personnel. He has published around 60 papers, as well as several monographies and a book on thermodynamic, and gave presentations in numerous congresses worldwide.