1. Student Facilities

- Study Rooms
The first year students are exclusively provided with a private study room. They can spend time for discussion, exchange ideas, revising course materials, and preparing class assignments in this room.

- Computer Room
The computer room is used for course work, class exercise, and assignments. All students can use it for private study, doing computer works, and etc. The computers are installed with many engineering suite programs e.g. Aspen Plus, COMSOL, and etc.

- Meeting Room
Students will use for internal meetings, presenting regular progress of research works of student, and also for class-teaching.

- Student Room
The second year students (and higher) are exclusively provided with a private student room where they can focus on their project and thesis works more conveniently.

- Personal Lockers
Students will have access to their individual locker where they can store personal belongings, books, and stationary during their study at CPE program.
2. Equipments and Analyzers
Many fundamental analyzers frequently used in chemical engineering works like GC, MS, UV spectrometer are provided for supporting research works of our staffs and students.
- List of Equipments and Analyzers >> Click

3. List of Computer and Simulation Software
We have a number of computer simulation and programming software ready to support our teaching courses and research works. Students will have a chance learn and practice their programming skill in several class exercises and projects during the period of study.
- aspenONE Engineering suite
- COMSOL Multiphysics
- Mathematica
- MathCAD
- Visual Studio Professional
- Intel Fortran Complier
- Microsoft Visio Premium