Doctoral Students

Ms. Diana Jose

Ms. Notsawan Swadchaipong

Mr. Ahmad Fathur Muhtadin

Mr. Peerapong Suthasith

Ms. Puttiporn Thiamsinsangwon
Research Topic: Synthesis of Light Olefins Selectivity via Co2 Hydrogenation Using Nanostructure Catalysts

Ms. Elizabeth Jayex Panakkal
Research Topic: Profilling analysis of food flavoring agents produced from pretreated-lignocellulose biomass

Mr. Chalempol Khajonvittayakul
Research Topic: Direct dimethyl carbonate synthesis from carbon dioxide and methanol via continuous packed-bed reactor using dehydrating agent

Ms. Rossarin Ampairojanawong
Research Topic: Separation Process using Electrocoagulation Technology for Multicomponent Mixture

Mr. Sirichot Krajangsod
Research Topic: Development of process for isolating and purifying erythritol from yeast culture medium
Master Students

Mr. Muhammad Ayub Khan

Ms. Ajalaya Boripun

Mr. Ahsan Mehmood

Ms. Kingchat Potisa-ad
Internship: Advanced Info Services Public Company Limited

Mr. Jonas Gabriel Lindner
Exchanged Student from RWTH-Aachen, Germany (2nd semester)

Mr. Marcus Mergenthal
Exchanged Student from RWTH-Aachen, Germany (2nd semester)

Mr. Aboubakar Sahraoui
Exchanged Student from INP-ENSIACET (INP Toulouse), France (1st semester)